I remember the turmoil my heart was in this time last year… It was the culmination of 5 years of God stirring and awakening my heart to step out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith. I love adventure, but when it comes to making these kinds of life altering decisions I am typically paralyzed with fear. This was no exception. I felt so unsettled and afraid to make the wrong decision, because I knew it would change the course of my life.
Yet, as I sit here today, I am at peace. Not becauseI finally have figured it all out, but because I realize that this first huge leap was ultimately just the first of many more that I will take along this journey. As I write this I felt a slight smile creep across my face… knowing He is faithful. It is always so much more fun to be on the other side of the leap.
Each leap often is bigger than the last, yet it can be easier to take as we can see God’s faithfulness through our past leaps. Following Jesus, learning to hear His voice and having the courage to say yes to doing what He has invited us to do each day – is awesome! It is scary yet exhilarating; difficult yet fulfilling and it makes living each moment of every day an adventure.
I wish I could say I know what the future holds, but I don’t. All I know is that Jesus is leading us one step at a time. This past year, as I laid my fears of the unknown and failure at the feet of Jesus, they have grown into a deeper sense of trust and certainty that His ways are best. Best definitely does not mean most comfortable or without hardship… Best means that we get to be a part of doing and becoming what we were created for – to bring Him glory! There is nothing more fulfilling or exciting! It has been so humbling to see God’s hand of favor at work in our life this past year. Here are some of the blessings we have experienced this year.
- God’s faithfulness in the big and little things.
We are 75% funded for our monthly needs (one time gifts covered the rest of our needs for 2017!)
- We have so many faithful prayer warriors that pray for us daily. I can’t tell you how much it means to us. Prayer truly is where the war is won!
- When Michelle broke her foot in 2 places, she didn’t need surgery! We also were blessed by our new church family here in Guatemala as they showered us with prayers, home cooked dinners and taking us to the best doctors in the capital.
- Our Journey family has been such a blessing and source of support and encouragement to us every step of the way.
- We have made some incredible life-long friends here in Guatemala is such a short time.
- God has opened the door to meet and connect with some incredible leaders and pastors from Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico and Honduras who desire to train up disciples. The past few weeks God has opened the flood gates of opportunity here in Guatemala and I can’t wait to see what He does!
The struggle of unknown and spending time seeking God for the next step. This has deepened our reliance and connection to Him in ways that comfort never could.
- Experiencing the beauty of the Guatemalan people, culture and countryside!
- We took the most epic field trip ever since the kids have been studying Mayan history and culture this semester. We spent 3 days exploring the ruins of Yaxcha and the ancient Mayan capital city of Tikal.
- Our Español teachers have been amazing!
As we head back to the U.S. in a few days, we have already experienced tears of sadness and joy. We are not sure what this next year will bring, but we know that when we surrender our will to His, we can trust Him and that He will guide us each step of the way.
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”
Psalm 119:105
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