Stories of great faith have always inspired me. I love the stories of missionaries who defied all odds and allowed God to use them to do the impossible. How does someone trust God enough to take such incredible leaps of faith? What I have found, is that those defining moments of faith, were not isolated moments; Rather, a series of small steps of faith that built upon each other, a journey, where one step leads to the next.

I find it fascinating how an ordinary day can unexpectedly transform into a defining moment that changes the direction of your life.

Five years ago I went on a Journey mission trip to Haiti and I had the privilege to spend time training some of the Pastors. At the end of our time together, Pastor St. Louis said something that I will never forget. He pointed to the new church building that we were making for him. He said, “You see that building; that building is nothing! This…” he motioned with his hands, “What you are doing here with us; this is all that matters!” I was blown away… I didn’t realize it at the moment, but that statement would change the course of my life.

Something was awakened in my soul that marinated and grew stronger and stronger over time. It fueled a passion to begin praying for the pastors in Haiti and around the world. I couldn’t shake the burning desire that God had given me to help pastors in places no one really wanted to go. So I kept praying, “God, please don’t let me miss out on what you have for me. Help me to have the courage to follow Your lead and take the next step of faith You put in front of me.”

I am so thankful that God has been so patient with me through thru this process. God has continued to confirmed His calling in my life over and over again; through numerous divine circumstances, hours of prayer, fasting, and of course, confirmation from my wife, family and closest friends. God has made it clear that He is calling me and my family out of our comfort zone.

I don’t know all that lies ahead. But, I couldn’t be more excited about the adventure that God has for us!

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives…
Put your hope in the Lord.
Travel steadily along his path.
Psalm 37:23; 34