A couple days ago I spent time with Jonathan Mathews, one of the most passionate and Kingdom-minded leaders I have met in a long time! But, my head is still spinning from the view I had that day… a 360° view of Sau Paulo.

It messed me up! Pictures will never do it justice to the thousands upon thousands of skyscraper apartments as far as the eye can see. AND over 20 million people live there. The vast majority do not have personal relationship with Jesus. My heart is so heavy! In both Cordoba and in Sau Paulo, I literally wept over these cities realizing their desperate need for the Good News!

In city after city, country after country people are so lost. Yet, HOW do we reach them? It seems impossible. But, I truly believe we could… IF… we would all begin to step out of our comfort zones and simply begin sharing our own story of how Jesus transformed us. There are millions of Christians in this world that have experienced transformation in Jesus.When will we rise up and be the ‘Light’ God called us to be? Jesus told us that “the harvest is plentiful… but the workers are few.” God IS working people’s hearts. He has no doubt been working in the hearts of thousands who are ready – they just need someone who is willing to be led by the Holy Spirit to GO and SHARE the hope we have in Jesus.

What if every Christian simply told 1 person their story (2-3 min) per week? Not preaching or shoving beliefs on others, but simply sharing how Jesus transformed their life (who we were before Christ, how He changed us). Everyone loves a story! It’s really not that difficult. We just have to wake up and  love people around us and see them through Jesus eyes. Then if they are interested, we get to share with them how they too can experience the joy of a personal relationship with their Savior.

When was the last time you saw your neighborhood, community or city and wept because they desperately needed Jesus in their life? If you’ve ever had that feeling, put it to action – feelings alone are empty. We are called to GO and LOVE people!

“God please forgive us for our lazy complacency. Awaken  Your church to obey the Great Commission. Fill us with your passion, courage and compassion to live out Your calling for each of us. Only by Your Spirit and our obedience can
We do this!”