Connecting – Discipling – Teaching – Inspiring
These are my life’s passions. I grew up on the mission field in Papua New Guinea from first through twelfth grade. After college I taught Bible to high school students for 15 years and helped start a church with my best friend.
Being the Discipleship Pastor at our church has been the best job in the world! I love encouraging people to understand their true identity in Christ and helping them find freedom in living whole-heartedly for Jesus!
It’s has been a privilege to connect with and train some amazing pastors while on our church’s mission trips to Haiti. Over the past few years, God has stirred a desire to unite these churches to work together in raising up disciples.
Recently God has expanded my calling to train pastors internationally through The Timothy Initiative (ttionline.org). He is leading my family to step out of our comfort zone beyond South Florida’s borders to reach South America, the Caribbean Islands and the immigrant communities here in America. With your partnership, we will help people experience the hope and love of Jesus.

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is an international church planting organization that exists to advance Christ’s kingdom by multiplying disciples and disciple-making churches around the world. TTI believes in adapting to the context and culture of each nation and is committed to national-centric leadership. We specifically target church planters who lack the means or availability to receive balanced Biblical and theological training throughout Asia, Africa and now the Americas.
Track Record as an Organization (Worldwide)
- 83,920 – churches have been planted since 2008
- 123,000+ – Active church planters in training across 39 countries
- 179 – UPG’s (Unreached People Groups) targeted & working among
- 26 – UUPG’s (Unengaged, Unreached People Groups)
What is the Tumas family doing?
Last year we moved to Guatemala and lived there as a family for about 9 months. While we were there we began to learn Spanish, were immersed in culture, made good friends, connected with great ministries and fell in love with the Guatemalan people.
Our heart is to unite churches all over the region by partnering with and raising up pastors who will establish a multiplying disciple making movement in Latin America!
Although we are working throughout Latin America, our focus on this year will be Guatemala, Mexico, Cuba and South Florida.
Our home base this year will be South Florida as it is a perfect spot for Matt’s flights to Latin America. Keep us in your prayers as he will be traveling a lot and away from the family quite a bit during the weekdays!
Contact us @ Matt@ttionline.org
Follow us @ our Blog

The Tumas family is passionate about Discipling Leaders and Transforming Lives for Eternity. They will be targeting Central and South America. They will network, partner with and mobilize national movement leaders to:
- strengthen the quality of their discipleship and church planting efforts
- affirm the validity and integrity of indigenous leadership
- accelerate the expansion of various church planting movements in the places the Spirit of God is actively moving.
Current Picture for the Americas
TTI has had limited exposure to the Americas until this past year. We are currently beginning to establish a ministry foundation Central America. Although Guatemala and the surrounding countries have theoretically heard about “Jesus,” many of these countries have the highest accounts of violence, homicide, sexual and domestic abuse in the world.
How can this be? Because they have never experienced the transformation that comes from a genuine relationship with Jesus. Religous rituals mixed with pagan religions have preverted the gospel. Yet, there is hope. We believe that TTI’s discipleship method of planting churches can bring about the reformation that Central America so desperately needs!

Prayer Warriors:
The MOST vital part of our team!
Prayer is powerful and effective. Would you please commit to praying for us daily!
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Proud Papa!
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Jedi Mind Trick Miracle
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Crazy Story – Haiti
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2019 Update

Do You See What I See?
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What If…
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The Dark Side of the Lake
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Good Friday?
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Photo Journal of our time in Guatemala 2017
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Fear into Peace
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